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Pilates, Foot Fitness, Private Studio Rental

 So what exactly is Pilates?


Pilates is a type of body movement and fitness regimen with a repertoire of over 500 movements that help to realign posture, improve flexibility and coordination, and improve breathing. A consistent Pilates practice will help you build strength and develop longer, leaner muscle lines.

There are 6 principles at the heart of Pilates:

The focus of the movements is on the body’s core. This is the body’s powerhouse that supports the spine and brings about stability so that the rest of the body and limbs can move freely without restriction.

The other focus is spinal movement and articulation, i.e. moving the spine in every direction that it is capable of moving.

The Pilates method also minimizes stress in the joints. In this busy world, our modern-day exhaustion comes from overworking and a sedentary lifestyle, which puts stress on the body. Pilates teaches efficiency in movement and how to exert the right amount of energy and when. Learn how to center yourself right away with a Pilates practice, thus freeing yourself to move with less effort and strain.


  • Increased lung capacity and complete diaphragmatic breathing.

  • Improved energy and mental alertness.

  • Increased blood circulation.

  • Proper alignment and better posture creates space for the internal organs and improves their function.

  • Improved and increased bone density.

  • Increased stamina and muscular strength.

  • Toned and defined arms, back, buttocks, shoulders, legs, and hips.

  • Increased range of motion and flexibility in all of the joints.

  • Strengthened abdominal muscles improve chronic back pain.

  • A calmed nervous system gives an overall sense of wellbeing due to endorphin release.